The world we live in is a strange and wonderful place.  Our Creator knew just how much distance to place between us and the sun, and just how much oxygen we would need to survive on this ball we call planet Earth.  Why, He even created those fluffy clouds that help to warm or cool the earth’s atmosphere.

We humans are indeed an important occupier of this earth.  We were created to inhabit it, and be good stewards of what God has given us.  So too, we have been given this precious gift of life in a truly beautiful and remarkable vessel, the human body.  The Book of Isaiah refers to us as being the clay, Our Father being the potter, and we are the Work of His Hands.

Stay tuned, and connected, as this blog enlightens, encourages, and inspires all of us.  We are to love ourselves (“Love your neighbor as thyself”) which is where the meaning of life begins; with us The Earthen Vessels.

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