The Human Body’s Working Parts!

The human body is an amazing machine.  I call it a machine because it has thousands of “working parts” to get the job of living done! When some of the parts wear out, God has provided replacement parts (through the wonder of medical technology) for knee joints, shoulder and hip joints, parts of the eye, and even arms and legs.  Remarkably, sometimes we are given parts that other Earthen Vessels used but don’t need any longer because they’ve left this earth and are on a different journey, hopefully a heaven-bound one!  Heart and kidney replacements are two examples of living parts that are donated to save lives.

Let us always be mindful and thankful of this great gift of life Our Creator has given us, and this wonderful body of “working parts.” Remember too, that sometimes our parts just need a spiritual readjustment as God’s Holy Word encourages us to pray,  “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10



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